Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Well, of course we had a SuperBowl eating!!! Giants vs Patriots!  Our family was for the Patriots because sometime back my little boy decided he was a Patriots fan.  Not sure why or how he picked this team.  We are Saints fans!!!  So, we supported him in cheering for the Patriots.  I haven't felt up to par the past few days, so I didn't really plan much for this event.  I did decide to try my hand at making some Pizza Rolls.  I thought they turned out fabulous.  I also fixed the cookies.  My mom prepared the rest of the tasty food.

SuperBowl Menu:  Pizza Rolls, Tuna Sandwiches, Chips, Salsa, Fruit Tray, Chocolate Picnic Cupcakes, Chocolate Chip Cookies and Sweet Tea.

Chocolate Chip Cookies are Betty Crocker out of a package.  They baked up terribly ugly and flat.
The next day they were so crumbly, they fell to pieces.  They actually tasted pretty good. 
We all liked them.

Pizza Rolls:  I used a box of Pillsbury Hot Rolls Mix.  Go exactly by the directions for mixing.  Roll out into a flat rectangle. Spread with Pizza Sauce and whatever pizza fillings you like.  I used ham, crumbled sausage, bell peppers and cheese.  Roll up jelly roll style.  Slice about 1 1/2 wide.  I just kinda guessed.  Place in sprayed baking dish.  Bake until rolls are done.  Turned out great.  The dough is very good. 

Well, like the past few games we watched, this game did not come out as we would have hoped.  Kody was sad, but we had happy eatings.  

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